Presentation Information

Lecture Presentations

The duration of a presentation slot is 25 minutes. You will have 20 minutes for the presentation itself and 5 minutes for Q&A from the audience. Maintaining your 25-minute time slot is critical.

An LCD projector & computer (Windows, MS Powerpoint & Adobe Acrobat Reader) will be available in the session room for regular presentations. However, USB will NOT be permitted onsite. All presentations must be submitted to Alexis Wisdom, Conference Manager, ahead of time. You will need to submit your Powerpoint presentations no later than September 9th. Please ensure this is the final version of your Powerpoint presentation as we will not be collecting the presentations onsite, and USBs cannot be plugged into the presentation computer.

Preparation of Visuals:

  • Presentations will be collected via the Dropbox submission link provided in your Informative Speaker Email.
  • Presentations from personal laptops will NOT be possible. In the case large movie files are to be shown, work with conference staff to ensure they load and play correctly well before the scheduled session.
  • Presentations should be prepared for an aspect ratio of 16:9, which is the setting that shall be used for all projectors. Any presentations using 4:3 aspect ratio will still be viewable in general, but some parts may be too small for the audience to clearly see when projected in 16:9. As such, 16:9 is strongly encouraged.
  • To avoid software compatibility problems with MS Powerpoint, speakers are advised to EMBED ALL FONTS in their Powerpoint presentation.
  • Speakers should arrive in their session room 10 minutes BEFORE the start of their session to report to the chairs. A proctor will also be available in case technical assistance is required.